Micro 908 project by René VE2MPA second workshop fall 2010

For this second workshop on this project, here are the participants :
André Ve2fab
André Ve2bju
Calvin Ve2kca
Claude Va2hdd
Claude Ve2ctp
Jacques Va2jck
Jean Ve2jmk
Jean-Maurice Ve2cdk
Marcel Ve2dvs
Marcel Ve2gmr
Martin Ve2mjt
Michel Va2maa
Normand Ve2gkl
Pierre Ve2eko
Raymond Ve2irg
Réal Tremblay
Réal Ve2dsk
René Ve2mpa
Sébastien Va2sme
Serge Ve2hls

The Micro908 is an antenna analyser for the H.F. band from AmQRP an ideal computing platform for ham radio enthusiasts and homebrewing experimenters. Designed and developed over several years, this multi-use instrument is kitted by the AmQRP Club and serves as a common hardware platform for a growing list of powerful applications:


This project was bulid by many members of the club and was supervised by René VE2MPA

Here an "easy" installation guide made by René to help you locate all the components on the main PCB Board

Guide (1.4 Mo)

Many thank's to George N2ABP for his support during this workshop!

The workshop in images




Martin and Jean René, Normand and Roger André VE2BJU
Martin VE2MJT Réal et Michel Réal and Jean-Maurice

Calvin and Réal Jean VE2JMK Marcel and Réal



Normand and Jean-Maurice

Réal VE2DSK Jean-Maurice and Michel Calvin and René
Jean and Réal Michel VA2MAA Pierre VE2EKO
Sébastien VA2SME Martin VE2MJT Marcel VE2DVS
Pierre VE2EKO Claude VE2CTP Réal and Michel
Calvin VE2KCA Jean-Maurice and Jean Jean VE2JMK